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Viewing Post from Wednesday Feb 11, 2009

Aliens: Colonial Marines Delayed For New Aliens Vs. Predator Game

If you've been waiting on Aliens: Colonial Marines, the news might be a bit hard to swallow -

the game has been delayed until at least 2010

. Instead, Sega will push a new Aliens vs. Predator game first.

A new Aliens vs. Predator game will arrive in early 2010, publisher Sega has announced, with the company noting that AvP will hit before its other two Aliens games.

That means Gearbox's shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC, PS3, 360) and Obsidian's Aliens RPG won't debut until 2010, at the very earliest. Colonial Marines was originally expected last year, and was recently listed as a Q1 2009 release by Sega Europe.

A possible silver lining... this new game is being developed by Rebellion, who developed the original Aliens vs. Predator.