Now that I was thinking about BU again, a couple of things that had been bothering me about it became major sources of concern. First and foremost, we were running our main site on the original VA Linux server we purchased for about $1400 way back when. This server, while uber-reliable, has seen an enormous amount of traffic over the years, and is NOT a RAID or mirrored machine. My concern, obviously, is that if one of the drives goes, BeyondUnreal ceases to exist, and there's really no recreating it.I turned, as always, to our BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell), MalHavoc for assistance, as moving our entire web infrastructure to our RAIDed Dell server is a major job. Unfortunately, Mal has gained lawful employment over the past year or so, working as a teacher and administrator for a university in Canada. His work load over the course of 2005 had increased to the point where he simply did not have time to do the major sysadmin work for BeyondUnreal anymore. To further prevent him from helping out, he had purchased a new home in an area that does not have broadband access so, for now, he has no internet connection from home.Again, showing his true colors, Mal still agreed to spend a weekend moving *most* of our web goodness to the Dell server. He did this from work, and for the most part, things went well. I'm going to take a moment right here to thank Mal for his efforts, not only with this move, but in making it possible for us to run BeyondUnreal at all. Believe me, there would not be a BU if it weren't for MalHavoc. There's no way we would have made it online.The move presented some interesting problems for us, some of which we haven't solved yet. First, we had to leave Nali City behind on our old server, as there are custom program modules there that would have to be re-written and compiled on the new server. I am hopeful that standout community member Iridium, who did an enormous amount of work on NC3 originally, will find the time to do this on our new server.Second, we upgraded PHP versions in response to a security issue. Unfortunately, this caused our phpAdsNew program to break. Yeah, it still serves ads, but I am currently unable to administer it. There is a new version of phpAdsNew out that *supposedly* fixes the problem, so I'll have to take the time to read up on it and install it. Note: Mal took care of this previously, so this will be my first crack at installing this program. Be afraid. Be very afraid...Another issue that came up is with mirroring files to our three remaining live mirror sites. I believe we're narrowing down on why this hasn't been working, and should have it resolved soon. One positive thing that came out of this is a web application RaptoR wrote, allowing our hosted sites to manage their own FileWorks stuff, and manually mirror any file they choose.Finally, we still have email to move. What I'm planning here is to contact our hosts, ServerCave, and ask them to help set up a completely new mail system on one of our other servers (we have four, BTW). The new mail system I'm thinking of will be web-based IMAP goodness, and will completely replace what we have now. One of the drawbacks is going to be that we'll be setting everyone up with a brand new account, and they'll have to clean out their old email just prior to the move.
Hosted Sites
Level Designers:
- 1on1-Pack
- Checker's Chapel
- Heisher
- Hointar
- Homeslice
- Neoduck
- OnlineWarriors
- Spoondog
- Teddie
- VermoorD
Mod/Map Teams:
- Community Bonus Pack
- Chaotic Dreams
- Fraghouse
- Jailbreak
- Mod Exemplar Project
- Red Nemesis
- Strangelove
- Team Orbit
- Timewarp
- U4E2K3
- UsAar33 Mods
- UnWheel
- WoD Mod Pod
Gears of War
Unreal Engine
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