BeyondUnreal's FlagPack 2004 Review
CTF-FP-Anfractuous2 - "Anfractuous: winding; tortuous; full of twists and turns. This building has been heavily modified for use in the Tournament; few traces remain of its original purpose. Anfractuous caters to the offensive team, allowing flag carriers to easily evade their pursuers - there's little room for defense here - cap or die!"
As the name indicates, this is the second incarnation of Anfractuous, the first an original map for for Unreal Tournament. As you can imagine, the UT2004 engine provided plenty of opportunity to upgrade the looks of the map. The familiar Rankin brick and wood theme is attractive but nondescript. Everything is appropriately trimmed, static meshes are tucked neatly out of the way, and shadows lie across the floor from the atrium ceiling above. But that's not what this map is about. It's about fragging.
It's hard to tell where the base ends and the central area begins... it just flows. The map is more just flags at opposite ends of curving, layered, intertwining hallways, than the familiar "two forts" type of level. But the ramps and wallkways are nice and wide and the levels stacked just right so that you are always going somewhere fast and you have lots of ways to get there. The super-sized circular lifts don't even offer up so much as a doorway to slow down the action.
I have only two gripes with the weapon placement: two Rocket Launchers might be a bit much in this medium sized map and providing one of the most powerful weapons in the game (the Lightning Gun) right over the flag and two ammo pickups very close by. But I suppose the balance to that would be the fact that the "flag room" is so exposed. It's such a minor gripe for such a well conceived and executed map.
Score: 9/10
CTF-FP-CamperCrossings - "Long ago, the Vadrigar created this technologic wonder. It was a machine that was designed to toss the arena fighters in the air at high speeds to feed the needs of an interesting combat to watch. Some time later after the Vadrigar grew tired of watching this arena, the Liandri Corporation took this facility over for its own tournament needs and they saw it was good."
A remake of a terrific Quake3 Threewave CTF map, CamperCrossings provides plenty of room for medium sized teams and three varying flag room exits with lots of options for the flag carrier on the move.
Not much to say about the appearance of the map that you can't see for yourself in the screenshots. It's put together well, it's a classic layout, and well... it's fun.
Score: 7.5/10
CTF-FP-DuelingKeeps - "After the last season, the Dueling Keeps were moved from the Quake-League to the Tournaments. But this time, it won't be just another CTF-Arena..."
It doesn't get a whole lot more simple than this. Flag room, two exits, one center area. Both exits lead to a single doorway, but clever flag runners will make use of the flanking windows to make a break to the courtyard. But in reality teamwork will either extract the flag or keep it put.
Subtlety is what makes this map interesting. Grab the flag and drop down to the dangerous lower ground and you'll get a longer route with more cover. Choose the other and you'll be forced to a walk around the perimeter of the flag room where you're exposed to the pursuing defenders, but you're rewarded with the opportunity of grabbing a 50 armor and a shorter hallway. Even the placement of the pickup in the corner of the catwalk provides a tantalizing carrot for those looking for a quick exit.
The coutyard is also a thing of simple beauty. Domimating the center of that area, and a step down, is a pool flanked by four pillars. In the center is a 100 armor providing the incentive for the risk. It's just enough z-axis to throw off the enemy's shot and keep things interesting.
The familiar Quake 3 gothic/demonic architecture and textures are all you need to know about the look. It's really about a superbly simple and fast Capture the Flag map that requires good teamwork to win. Isn't that what we're all looking for anyway?
Score: 7.5/10
CTF-FP-DyingHonor - "The Hall of Kings, now faded, recycled as a battle arena for Liandri Corp. The people of this planet were honorable and their king was their god. Now all honour has disappeared as this once sacred place is not even accessible to its own people anymore."
If big is a requirement in your Capture the Flag gaming, you can check that one off your list for this map. The flags in DyingHonor are not so far apart that you'll be wishing for a ride in a Raptor to the other base and there are really only three entrances/exits to the base, but the first time or two running through the map you might wish you brought a map.
The side routes are almost unneccesarily complicated, but they do offer the possibility of a number of creative exits. Apart from the occasional dead end or awkward adjoining room the layout is pretty solid.
The action takes place in a shrine of sorts and is adorned with oversized warrior statues in the central area. It's an interesting and busy fragging arena. While it's not the largest (in HDD size) FlagPack map by any means, it is certainly one of the most taxing on your system, probably due to the long sight-lines and comparatively elaborate architecture.
Score: 7/10
Next Page: Inamorata, Skylink, Sobek, and SpiderCrossings