BU: What are your favorite computer/console games, outside of the Unreal Tournament series?Raffi_B: I was always a big fan of strategy games and FPS games, and my gaming collection features the likes of Starcraft, Warcraft III, MechWarrior4, Quake3, Need for Speed: Underground, and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.BU: What are you doing in RealLife these days?Raffi_B: Nothing much, CIA operations... Tactical air-strikes... Nuclear weapons research... you know, "the daily grind."BU: Is Texas *really* part of the United States?Raffi_B: My lawyers just told me to say, "no comment."BU: What stereotype of Texas would be closest to the truth?Raffi_B: It's hot, gross, and you can't walk 10 steps without seeing a trailer or a fat redneck.BU: Ok, you're on Survivor with the rest of the BeyondUnreal admins and newsies. Who would you kick off, and why?Raffi_B: Probably hal, before I succumb to his boyish good looks.BU: If you could design one major technological advance to computer gaming, what would it be?Raffi_B: A spherical television globe in which you could sit, phyisically look around, and shoot as opposed to moving your mouse.BU: Thanks for your time, Raffi_B. We're glad to have you aboard BeyondUnreal!Raffi_B: Thanks for the opportunity!