larrystorch: What is the funniest prank you've ever pulled on someone on the net?

Christopher Norton: There was a downloadable program that was called "Slippery Mouse," which would cause your mouse to act very strange (slip around the screen). My neighbor wasn't too happy when he found out I had installed it on his system. ;)

CoCoPRo: It was to my best friend at that time. I had some hacking program (its not Netbus, don't really remember), but I hacked into my friends computer and started tilting his monitor, turning it off, and on, restarting his computer, ejecting the CD-ROM, giving him error messages that the computer is too slow and so on, and it was actually when he had to do some assignment for skool ;)

Dr. Crowbar: Prank? I never did anything! Not guilty, I tell you!

duck: I got the password of a friends e-mail account once and a few days later he had 3 girlfriends in the first grade. ;)

daz: Pretending to hack me m8s computer completely making him paranoid, He stayed off line for 2 weeks "while trying to find out how I got in " LOL

EMH_Mark3: Hm there was that one time I 'hacked' this guy's PC. Changed his wallpaper to something obscene, but the changes only showed up once he rebooted to cover my tracks :P

eXpendabLe: I refuse to answer on the grounds I may incriminate myself.

Janis Bode: I made them believe I had Unreal 2.

Goldabar: That ones a long story that I'm not going to outline here. All I'm going to say is that Stu (mapper) and I got one of the other mappers (Killjoy) extremely freaked out :)

j3rky: I installed a backdoor server on another guy's machine and remotely opened random porn sites while his girlfriend was using the computer.

Jestah Placed an ad at a website that catered to people of an alternative lifestyle in expendable's name... hehe just kidding exp :)

job: "Remember Sammy Jankis"

Tim Crowley: HAHA!! Funny you mention that, I'm pulling an extremely bad prank on Goldabar right now with the kind assistance of Desp, Stu, and Heish. By the time you read this Gold will be crapping his pants :D

Rich Black: Convinced one Goldabar that he was being offered a job at Epic. Somehow, he believed us. And then it got out of hand. And all the more funny.

Toby Rees: Hmm, that's a good question and it's got me thinking, I always enjoyed sending Windows XP users web pages that would do things such as log them off their computers and if I was feeling mean shut them down making them loose their work. I was also in an IRC room with someone who had an Mp3 plugin which told you what tracks they were playing, and Steps suddenly appeared. He was in my clan so I posted it on our webpage, he got mad :)

Jason Hipps: Never got to play this one, but, I wanted to close the TO Forums and post a news byte on the front page saying "The Tactical-Ops team will no longer be making TO:AoT, we're just dropping all work on the project." and so forth. Just to be evil, I am a llama after all.

Nassau: I sent a virus called "I LOVE U" to some friends, it got out of hand pretty soon tho, lots of ppl were angry with me... eh, joke

R4V3R: Using Remote Administrator to get into my friend computer sending him some leet messages, he got all scared and got a ton of anti-trojan programs ;)

rojazz: A few years ago a friend and I were experimenting with NetBus, and installed it on another friend's computer. We kept ejecting his CDROM drive and prompting the message "Would you like a cup holder?" Hilarity...

ScHlAuChi: Probably the one where someone tried over 10 times to get the Mirc easteregg to work where you can play a BeatemUp by pressing ALT and typing fxfighter

Jack Gilson: Pretended I was an A()L Technician and I made them format there computer, got the idea from some MP3

Strac: I send a friend who's a complete computernoob, the yankee doodle virus (the only thing it does is that it plays the yankee doodle each time you start your comp!). It drove him mad :)

larrystorch:What's the funniest prank you've had played on you?

Christopher Norton: One time at a party a couple years ago, a friend took a razor and shaved off the hair on my leg to form his initials (I was fast asleep at the time). It took me a whole day to realize it. (Don't worry, I got my revenge).

Deyan Ninov: errrrr... my brain shut down an hour ago, cant remember ;)

Dr. Crowbar: Nobody plays pranks on me. They FEAR me too much. Ha ha ha ha... OK I'm done.

daz: Getting drunk then stripped and tied to a lamppost with "learner plates" stuck to me bits :OP

eXpendabLe: Some "friends" of mine signed me up to some newsletters catering to a population of an alternative lifestyle, and placed a personal ad which attracted unwanted attention. yeah, real funny.

Goldabar: Life.

j3rky: Later I accidentally executed the same backdoor server on my own machine and got hacked by someone else.

job: People told me I'm human .. I'm confused since that very day.

Rich Black: Had my room at college inverted. So everything got flipped, e.g.: all my books on the floor, desk up side down on top of them, the rug on top of that etc. Pain in the ass to sort out...

Jason Hipps: Some fool made me Administrator of the TO Forum... oh wait, that wasn't a joke, oh crap!

Nassau: FBI kicking my ass for making the aforementioned prank...

ScHlAuChi: When someone told me TO is going commercial ;)

Strac: Well, my computer started playing the yankee doodle each time i booted it up... Nah just kidding, I've never have had a real prank played on me, except for maybe Andirez convincing me he had a long hardrocker hair :) (which is a complete & utter lie!)