Just weeks ago, Epic and Atari released Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor's Choice Edition, a repackaging of UT2004 with the addition of 11 top user-made modifications, six new playable characters, four new Onslaught maps, and three new vehicles. No doubt, in an effort to bring new players onboard with a more enticing package and more support for what has far and away been the most popular gametype online. Fortunately for existing owners of the latest 'Tournament, all of Epic's in-house material was made available for free download on September 24.

This review serves primarily the purpose of showing those people, who have either not taken the time to download the free ECE content or have not made a purchase of either edition of Unreal Tournament 2004, just exactly what this new content is all about.

Check out our oh-so-lengthy review of the first release of Unreal Tournament 2004 for a look at the original content.

Below are a few screenshots of ONS-Aridoom and ONS-Ascendancy (10.51 MB). Both maps were released by authors of retail Onslaught maps after UT2004 was published and are included in the Editor's Choice Edition, but are not part of the ECE Bonus Pack.

ONS-Aridoom ONS-Aridoom ONS-Ascendancy


  1. Air Buccaneers
  2. Alien Swarm
  3. Chaos UT2
  4. Clone Bandits
  5. Deathball
  6. Domain 2049
  7. Frag.Ops
  8. Jailbreak2004
  9. Red Orchestra
  10. Rocketeer
  11. UnWheel

Player Characters

  1. MechaSkaarj
  2. MechaSkaarj
  3. Metal Guard
  4. Metal Guard
  5. Necris
  6. Necris


  1. Cicada
  2. Paladin
  3. SPMA

Onslaught Maps

  1. ONS-Adara
  2. ONS-IslandHop
  3. ONS-Tricky
  4. ONS-Urban
  5. ONS-Aridoom*
  6. ONS-Ascendancy*

(* included in the retail ECE package and available as a separate free download)