larrystorch: What feature would you have liked to have seen included, but never made it in?

NYGrrrl: Soap on a rope ;)

Snowdog: I'd really like to see a llama model for cheaters, but that's impossible with the current engine...

tarquin: There was talk of scripting games to play in jail, using Mych's Screens. JailTetris would have been nice, or JailReversi against an opponent from the other team. I had an extravagant idea for a redeemer race track. Changing llamas into an actual llama model would be fun. We'll have to see if those make it into UT2JB.

Mychaeel: The lobby, one of Daikiki's notions. The idea was to let people gather in a lobby map to chat, form teams, and discuss strategies before they were thrown into the game, and between matches as well. Snowdog even ventured to create a map for it -- an ultra-high-poly FPS monster with polished marble floors and team conference rooms and a fountain -- but we never came around to actually code the lobby. Screen's in-map IRC chat functionality and MeshMaker are side products of that development. Maybe we can pick it up for the next version.

Sexmachine: I still have SpoonDog's "JB3 tutorial map" sitting somewhere on my harddrive. The layout is done and a written script exists, but 'till now the speech and the UT scripting is missing, so it may never see the light of day :-(

El Bundee: We thought about several things to do with the prisoners -- like special skins, a cap, or a real ball an chain. There are several technical problems to do this so we never managed to include something like this. Personally I very much liked the idea of a key you need to unlock the release mechanism and carry around like a flag. But this would possibly rather be a new gametype...

larrystorch: What is the one thing you'll bring out of working on JB that you'll never forget?

NYGrrrl: The UT Jailbreak team was totally professional and fun to work with! And hey im out on bail now so I cant complain ;-)

Snowdog: The community has always been great to work with, I think that's the best thing a mod could wish for :-)

tarquin: It's already been said that the modding scene brings people together from different cultures around the world, and now I've seen this for myself. There's a friendly atmosphere in Team JB. What I'll remember is the fight Snowdog and I had in IRC one day. It went something like this...

tarquin: Talaeron is such a superb map. I'll never be able to map like that
Snowdog: you are kidding, right? you made Pressurized
tarquin: Pressurized is nothing compared to Talaeron
Snowdog: Talaeron isn't fit to lick the boots of Pressurized
tarquin: you're way l33ter than me
Snowdog: no, YOU'RE way l33ter than me
tarquin: you're l33ter!
Snowdog: you're l33ter!

...and so on. It could have come to serious blows, but we were distracted by ChanServ picking his nose. Needless to say, I was right.

Mychaeel: A lasting addiction to coffee and late-night coding sessions. No, wait, I had that before already...

The best time while working on a team project is when you feel that you can unquestioningly rely on the rest of your team, knowing that everybody works towards the project's success driven by the same enthusiasm and resolve you feel. That was most apparent during the last few days before our scheduled release. Not only the dev team worked well together, our beta tester crew too provided us with quality feedback -- I remember Sexmachine literally spending hours figuring out the circumstances that caused some previously unreproducible strange buglet and eventually being able to describe them so precisely that it took us only short time to actually fix it.

Sexmachine: Besides the interesting experience of seeing ideas becoming part of the mod, I'll never forget one night on IRC (after hours and hours of bug hunting and only one step away from insanity) singing along Outkast's "The whole world" with Mychaeel: "Cause the whole world loves it when you don't get down... daadaaaa da da dadaaaa..." That was weird -- hehe.

El Bundee: The many tests on our beta server sometimes were frustrating, but most of the time very funny. I mean -- cratering a thousand times while trying out the human ladder feature or running around with a bot on your head is something you won't forget. We had a lot of fun there and in chat we needed a lot of trouts for slapping each other for fooling around instead of testing and not being able to hold the walk key while building human ladders...