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Viewing Post from Monday Jul 27, 2009

Comic Con 09 Panel Recaps

Gamespot has brief recaps of the panels convened at Comic Con 09. Each panel was comprised of any number of industry standouts and charged with exploring a popular game-related subject with questions coming from the audience. Of note are two which featured Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski.

  • Gearsiverse Panel Recap: in addition to Cliff, the panel included "Joshua Ortega, Gears of War comic book author and scriptwriter for Gears of War 2; Len Wiseman, director of the upcoming Gears of War; and Chris Morgan, screenwriter for the Gears of War movie"

    In addition to talk of Gears, the comic book, and the movie, the new COG and Locust Xbox 360 avatars were revealed.

  • Developing for Xbox 360: other panelists tied to the Unreal Engine include Splinter Cell: Conviction producer Alex Parizeau and Mass Effect 2 project director Casey Hudson of Bioware.

    Gamespot sums it up thusly: A pessimist would summarize this panel in two sentences: “How awesome is it developing for Xbox 360? So awesome.”