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Viewing Post from Friday Jan 03, 2003

Bonus Pack Summary

Bonus Pack Peek - DM-Injector

While we wait for the Epic and Digital Extremes Bonus Packs, here's a complete list of everything we know at the moment about both packs, including when they're expected to be released. Enjoy!

    Epic Bonus Pack
  • Will contain around nine new maps, including DM-Crash, DM-Mixer, DM-IceTomb, DM-Injector (pictured to the right) and CTF-DoubleDamage.
  • Expected to weigh around 300Mb.
  • Expected to be released around two weeks (no, really) after Christmas, according to CliffyB at the Winter CPL Event.
  • Will contain three new gametypes:
    • Last Man Standing: LMS is now a gametype in its own right. Apparently it'll contain 'camper protection' -- if you stay in the same area for too long, the announcer will say 'CAMPER!!' and you location will be revealed to the other players.
    • Invasion: You and your friends against waves and waves of Unreal 1 monsters (Skaarj, Pupae, Gasbags, etc.). It's not yet known whether the monsters will be directly ported into UT2003 or if they'll be re-modelled and re-skinned.
    • Mutants: The player that gets first blood becomes the 'mutant' and is given regenerating health and can move faster, making him harder to kill. Killing the mutant will mean that you become the mutant. This cycle continues until the match is over.
  • You can download videos of CliffyB talking about the pack, as well as some Bonus Pack footage from the BeyondUnreal Download System using the links below:
  • In November, CliffyB gave us a sneak peek of one of the Bonus Pack maps -- DM-Injector. Click here to see it.
  • The pack will contain three new announcers, a booming 'godlike' male announcer, a seductive female announcer and the 'calm' Unreal Championship female announcer.
  • It's not yet known whether the Epic pack will contain any mutators or extra skins/models.
    Digital Extremes Bonus Pack
  • Originally expected to be released around Christmas. No news on the current expected release date.
  • The pack is reported to focus more on competetive online play.
  • Will contain CTF-LavaGiant2 and BR-ElecFields (both maps were completed too late to ship with UT2003) from Pancho Eekels.
  • Will contain mostly maps, no new gametypes.
  • Will not contain any of the 'exclusive' Unreal Championship maps.

Spotted anything that we've missed? Hit the 'Post A Comment' link above and tell us!