Viewing Post from Thursday Jan 23, 2003
Mark Rein IRC Log
Epic's Mark Rein dropped into the official UT2003 IRC channel ( #ut2003) last night and answered a few questions put to him by UT2003 fans.
Cachedposted a trimmed down log of this chat session for your enjoyment. While there's not a wealth of new info (the bonus pack will still be released when it's done, and it'll still be over 200Mb), it's definately worth a read.
More[k|Tex] Mark can you give me an estimated release on the 2k3 Map pack, I spoke with CliffyB at CPL and he told me mid January, but it hasn't come out.
[MarkRein[Epic]] Uncertain. We're testing like crazy right now. This isn't just a simple map pack. There are also three new gametypes and a new mutator or two. Gametypes need a LOT of testing.