Viewing Post from Thursday Jan 30, 2003
Digital Extremes Bonus Pack Release Info & Shots

Digital Extremes have sent along the following information about their DE Bonus Pack for UT2003, due to be released tomorrow at 2PM EST! The pack will contain a total of 6 new maps, weighing just under 200Mb. Of course, you'll be able to download the pack here at BeyondUnreal with no download queues, no registration, and no annoying popups.
Here's a copy of the information we received from Digital Extremes...
The team that brought you all the fragging mayhem you can handle is ringing in the New Year with some extra goodies to keep you warm during those long, hard, cold winter nights.
Sizing in at around 195 Megs, the DE Bonus Pack includes 6 all new maps - 3 deathmatch, 2 CTF and 1 Bombing Run. Below are a couple of screens to whet your appetite until tomorrow.
The Bonus Pack will be available in two forms - umod form and a zip file that extracts the map/textures/static meshs to the correct spots for people who don't have the latest patch (v. 2166) or who are running dedicated servers only. (umods sadly don't work without the latest patch or with server only versions.)
We also have screenshots of two bonus pack maps for your enjoyment...
Update - RaptoR (7:08 PM ET): Pancho Eekels, DE's Lead Designer, has posted the complete map list for the bonus pack on our
- DM-DE-Ironic
- DM-DE-Grendelkeep
- DM-DE-Osiris2
- CTF-DE-LavaGiant2
- CTF-DE-Elecfields
- BR-DE-Elecfields