UnrealEdForums FragBULiandri Archives

Viewing Post from Wednesday Feb 19, 2003

New UT2003 Demo Released

Infogrames have released a new version of the UT2003 demo, bringing it up to v2206 (which is a later version than the current official patch, go figure). The new demo incorporates all the fixes and updates from the various UT2003 patches, and adds one more map from the retail version - CTF-Orbital2.

The 142MB demo is available in Windows and Linux flavours from 3DGamers, should you want to pick it up. It's semi-network compatible with retail servers (full version clients can join demo servers (but not vice versa), and demo servers will show up on the server browser for full version clients) and has multi-language support too. Thanks to Sparky for the heads-up on the demo/retail compatibility.