Viewing Post from Tuesday Mar 11, 2003
Epic Bonus Pack Released!
Well the day has come to scratch out your bandwidth and download Epic's
Bonus Packfor Unreal Tournament 2003. You will need to be patched with the latest 2199 Patch, but don't fret. If you don't have the 2199 patch you can grab from the
BeyondUnreal Download System.
Epic's Bonus Pack includes three new game types, ten new maps, two new adrenaline combos, new announcer voice options and an in-game music manager, and all this weighs in at a nice 149.64mb (Talk about some major compression, eh?). Here's the all mighty list of goodies:
New Gametypes:
- Last Man Standing: This is similar to the Last Man Standing mode in the original Unreal Tournament. Players regenerate health when they frag an opponent. If a player stands in one place for too long, they will be revealed to other players as a camper and their location will appear on all opponent's displays.
- Invasion: In this game type, players band together to defend against waves of incoming monsters -- including many of the monsters from the original Unreal. Players cannot respawn if they die during a wave, but as long as one player makes it to the end of a wave alive, everyone respawns for the next wave.
- DM-IronDeity
- DM-IceTomb
- BR-Canyon
- DOM-Junkyard
- DM-Rustatorium
- DM-1on1-Crash
- DM-1on1-Mixer
- DM-Injector
- CTF-Avaris
- CTF-DoubleDammage
- Pint-Sized: Makes the player half their normal height (but players can no longer crouch).
- Camouflage: Places a holographic projection of a static decoration over you as a disguise. The projection doesn't quite extend to your feet, so you have to crouch to be fully concealed.
Other New Features:
- Announcer Voice Options: Several new announcer voice options are now available
- Music Options: This bonus pack also includes a new OGGPlayer that gives gamers direct control over the music that is played during the game.
- Many More!
New Maps:
Ten new maps are included, spanning all gametypes, including Deathmatch, Double Domination, Bombing Run and Capture the Flag. The new areas include additional textures and static meshes that can be used with the Unreal Editor. Maps include..
New Adrenaline Combos:
Two new adrenaline combos can be added using mutators:
So with all of this said we will have this baby hosted here as soon as we can.
[Update]Pete's currently out of the office and thus there may be a delay in getting the pack pushed out to our four mirrors. Please hold tight and our sincerest apologies if this has caused you any grief.