Viewing Post from Saturday Mar 15, 2003
Beta Patch 2217 + UTClassic Mutator
Epic is currently working on Patch 2217 (beta) for UT2003 and testing it out privately. However, here is some of what you can expect in this monster patch when it is finalized! You can view the rest of the changelog on
this page.
- Weapons:
- added option for visible centered weapons.
- added option to have smaller first person weapons. Off by default. This option is found in the Settings|Player menu, or can be changed in the user.ini by adding bSmallWeapons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section.
- fixed inaccurate replication of remaining translocator charge, causing players not to be able to fire when they seemed to still have charge
- all projectiles and shock beam centered with hidden weapons
- fixed shieldgun autofire misfires
- added more weapon not firing debugging. If your weapon stops firing, type getweaponstats at the console. Then, continue trying to fire your weapon, so more stats can be gotten. Both client and server must be upgraded to this patch.
- fixed shield gun fire effect when weapon hidden.
- fixed transbeacon leaving flare behind when crushed by mover.
- telefragging always gibs.
- ion painter warms up a little faster
HUD/Scoreboard: - 4 digit fph
Also included intended for inclusion in this patch is the UTClassic Mutator that mimics most of the behavior and damage of the Unreal Tournament weapons. Here's what you can expect from it:
- added new mutator "UTClassic" ,with its own server browser icon. Modifies the weapons to feel more like the original UT's weapons:
- All weapons do more damage.
- Shieldgun charges faster, slightly longer range, less self damage for impact jumping
- Minigun firing modes switched, no lockdown effect
- Shockrifle regular fire slower, does more damage. Combos take less ammo.
- Slowed down rocket firing rate.
- Sniper rifle faster firing, no secondary hit damage.
- Bio charged up damage relatively lower (countered general weapon damage increase).
- Flak alt fires up a little more.
- Translauncher more ammo, recharges faster, transbeacon fired up more