UnrealEdForums FragBULiandri Archives

Viewing Post from Thursday Mar 20, 2003

Facing Worlds 2003 [FuT]

Here's a map you either hate or love... or perhaps both! Nevertheless, it remains one of the most played maps of the entire Unreal series. We've seen many remakes of Inoxx's Face for UT2003 (including his own), but this one attempts to remain true to the scale required by UT2003 while bringing the look up to date.

I haven't played this version yet, but I just wanted to pass it along for all of you Face junkies! If you'd like to see some more shots (and you should - they look great), you can do so in

this thread

, where you'll also find a download link. Enjoy!

Face 2003 [FuT]Face 2003 [FuT]