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Viewing Post from Tuesday Apr 22, 2003

Tim Sweeney's 64 bit Question

Firing Squad has an interview with Tim Sweeney asking about 64 bit fun with the AMD Opeteron.

In the case of the Unreal codebase, about 99.9% of the code was already 64-bit safe and didn't need touching. Of course, with a million-line codebase, the remaining 0.1% left a hundred or so places in the code that needed updating because of assumptions we made years ago before we'd thought about 64-bit. It was a relatively straightforward process, and took Ryan Gordon about 10 days of hard work.

I am so glad to hear that 64 bits is coming to Unreal. I am really looking forward to running UT2003 under Linux on a dual system. The chips are out and hope to soon be fraggin with a great new 64 bit SMP system.

Thanks Epic.

Source: Blue's News