BeyondUnreal Reviews: UCMP2

UCMP2: DM (Page 1/3)

DM-UCMP2-Adamantium DM-UCMP2-Adamantium DM-UCMP2-Adamantium

DM-UCMP2-Adamantium - "The adamantium refining market took a huge leap forward in 2781 when the government declassified its components, allowing a huge number of private sector scientists to work on simplifying the process. The subsequent shortage of vibranium, a key component in adamantium, riddled the galaxy with silent refineries awaiting stockpile deliveries from light years away. This particular venue, manufactured by Vertigo Mining Systems, was one of the first shut down and has been a staple tourney destination for several years."

Author: Sai-Ko (Original), BIOS (Remake)

Dark Pulse: Interesting DM map, albeit a bit Anachronistic. (We're talking 478 years after the UT2004 setting, in 2303.) Loads of Z-Axis play, so be prepared from shots in virtually any direction. Weapons are plentiful (There's one of every type) but ammo is tight enough to ensure there generally won't be loads of wanton spamming. The Geometry, while plain and simple, works, and it ensures that you won't get hung up on meshes aplenty that seems to plague other maps in the same vein. The theme fits pretty well, although there was just a tad too much of that brushed red stripe texture, but that's a minor gripe. Just make sure you don't go over the Playerlimit of 6 by too much, or you may find yourself spawning into firefights. Good map all in all in the end, and the Z-Axis play isn't something you see too much anymore, so if that's your thing, give it a spin.

Hal: I don't think the Quake-roots helped this one. It just doesn't work well in UT in my opinion. The map is pretty hitscan dominant and that's not good here, especially with the Lightning Gun and 100a so close. There are interesting spots, but it can't overcome the problems with the weapon placement.

Raffi B: Other than the item placement (which leads to many issues down the line) this is a clean, fast map. It’s very open, which can be a curse against anyone with decent hitscan skills. The interconnectivity and flow are nice, but it amounts to nothing since the instant you step into an open area there are several spots to be sniped from without any cover.

DM-UCMP2-Churn - "Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still. (Chinese Proverb)"

Author: Steve Keene

Dark Pulse: A very personal sort of fragfest, designed for mano-a-mano or Manasha tw- er, Menage a trois. A very tight, compact map, with lots of twists, turns, and Z-Axis play. Looks are good; the lighting is nice, but could have been a bit sharper in some areas. Build is solid and pretty clean, and the level has good flow. The downside, however, is that you tend to pop up near where you got killed - meaning you more often then not run into the same guy that perforated you with that Flak Cannon 3 seconds ago, and are promptly sent back to the respawn queue. This is definitely one map you don't want to go over the playerlimits on - because if you do it's just going to turn into one giant clusterfuck of endless flak and goo spam down the hallways.

Hal: Holy Shit! Steve Keene has a beautiful theme here. Loads of trick jumps, more connectivity than Ma Bell, and... did I say it was beautiful? Plenty of custom meshes too. Tough to make a comeback on this map though. Probably not enough of an incentive to go to the lowest levels, though you will find plenty of health and a 50a there.

Raffi B: Excellent theme with clean yet eye-pleasing visuals. Everything looks just right, so to speak. The gameplay is a little questionable in some places and the map has a bit too much Z-Axis action for my tastes (I found myself looking straight down and straight up a lot). Other than that, a fantastic map.

DM-UCMP2-Dynarak DM-UCMP2-Dynarak DM-UCMP2-Dynarak

DM-UCMP2-Dynarak - "This well secluded facility was once home to a type of research which remains secret up to today. What is sure, however, is that what was researched here will never return to this forsaken place... or will it?"

Author: Slainchild

Dark Pulse: Slainchild's second offering is DM-Dynarak. The first thing I noticed in this map was the nice atmosphere and feel of the map - I'm a bit of a stickler for aesthetics, and this map definitely walked up and seized me by the balls in that regard. Play is stellar, too - while still a small map (2-4 players recommended) it has a good bit of room to move around in and can pretty comfortably fit 3 or 4 people. There'll still be the odd Spawnfrag probably, but that's what seems to happen in smaller maps. Lots of ramped surfaces means you can get some good practice on your slope dodges (and in fact this will be necessary to get out of the 100 Armor area unless you play with Translocators on - you Sick'O.) Well balanced, with a good amount of health and adrenaline means the frags will be fast and furious. Solid work.

Hal: Very nicely carried out theme! Has plenty of visual cues to help sell that "real" location feeling. Just lacking... something... to put it over the top.

Raffi B: Excellent theme, excellent gameplay. Slainchild does it again.