BeyondUnreal Reviews: UCMP2
UCMP2: DM (Page 2/3)
DM-UCMP2-Hieron - "An industrial level provides you smooth flow and lots of jump chances. Wall_jump is useful in this map. Check for more info."
Author: Chong "MoonFlyer" Lee
Dark Pulse: Like slopes? This is your map. The map has them seemingly by the dozen. A decent-sized map, serves 2 to 6. Like all the maps so far, a good amount of Z-Axis play here, with lots of the weapons being on the upper tiers and lots of the pickups (like the 100 Armor) being on the lower level, though there is a rather craftily hidden UDamage that will take a couple of jumps to get to. Rooms are large and spacious, which is ideal for you trickjumpers, or simply for those of you who dodge a lot during combat. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but one thing is for sure - for those who enjoy these style of maps, this will serve them well and they won't be disappointed. It's also good for the newbies, too - the slope dodges are rather forgiving in terms of difficulty, and with a little practice you'll be zipping around like a goddamn Keebler Elf on Meth.
Hal: Feels like it was pieced together from lots of different maps. Perhaps a result of the 3 year build time. I'm not a huge fan of the rooms with platforms feel that it gives off, but I can't help but have fun every time I play it. Nice 100a location!
Raffi B: Moonflyer is quickly building a reputation for himself for building great looking yet great playing maps. This one is no exception. The lighting and architecture are excellent, and surprisingly the flow remains good even with the many static meshes in this map. Trick jumps are also possible in many places, making the gameplay all that much more dynamic.
DM-UCMP2-Saiko - "There used to be a time that the Saiko company was a flourishing enterprise, a leader in the gas industry. However, for employees, the days were long and filled with many risks. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped. When it finally happened, it resulted in 7 casualties, all caused by one case of mental insanity. Unbeknowst of what it would do to the company, the newspapers nicknamed it the case of ''The Saiko killer''. Saiko's competitors cleverly played onto these circumstances and smothered the company's good name. Despite a quick namechange, the former Saiko company never recovered from the incident.
It's all gone now. The dreary halls no longer echo the loud activity that once took place here. Silence ruled the corridors for years, up until very recently. Be on the lookout when entering the former workfloor, because depression and fear were common factors when the place was active..."
Authors: Slainchild & Soma
Dark Pulse: Besides having the longest map intro I've ever seen, (By our very own Taleweaver of Insite fame) this is also one of the best DM maps I've ever played. This ain't no Fun-Size map - it's meant for 2-8, and it can probably hold a few more and still be awesome. The theme is nicely done, the lighting is superb (It's Soma, come on!) and the map oozes with flow and possibilities. You'll have guys kicking off the wall and air-conditioning you with that Flak Cannon for sure if you're not careful. Those of you proefficient in wallkicking will find you can get around the map rather quickly and effectively, and with your favorite weapons nearly always in head, to boot. Slainchild does a nice job here of taking Soma's work and polishing it, adding that atmosphere that he so excels at - making this the best DM map of the pack, and one of the strongest maps in it as well. Kudos to these two - this is what DM should be like. Aspiring mappers, take note!
Hal: A very attractive map in spots. Slainchild did a great job bringing Soma's layout to life. Not a lot of "fun" fragging areas on the map. Parts of it feel "forced", such as the 50a hallway, and there are some awkward spots. It's more "fractionary" than it is "goose". If you know Soma's amazing maps, you know what I mean.
Raffi B: I’ve played this map since the early beta versions, and it still hasn’t grown on me. I don’t know why… I just don’t like the way it plays. Slainchild has done a great job with Soma’s layout, but the layout doesn’t do it for me. It seems like in every one of Soma’s maps, there is a jump pad going directly to the powerup area, and this one is no exception.
DM-UCMP2-Taron - "A violent lightning storm roars high above the rolling hills of Na Pali, while it's last drops of water wash away some of the spilled blood in the once sacred Nali Temple of Taron. Desecrated and raided for it's priceless artifacts, the temple now withstands time as a remnant of a past civilisation. Only a giant Nali statue remains there now, as strangers wander in to further the temple's decay....."
Authors: BIOS and Sjosz
Dark Pulse: It's really nice to see people who remember Unreal's roots - it's rare I see maps that really send me back to my first experiences of Na Pali. This one did just that. Delightful work from BIOS and Sjosz in bringing the old world to life. The whole temple has a distinct Persian feel, from the music, to the lighting, to the whole big picture. It's wide open, but you'll never be far from the action, and it's a perfect level for touch-and-go fighting, with lots of cover to hide behind. Catwalks aplenty lead into squared-off rooms, that seem to echo at the worship that once took place here. It almost had me wishing I had a Ripper... or even a Razorjack. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, fellas - it was absolutely delightful.
Hal: Clean lines and no mesh work hang-ups, kiddies! The Nali theme is pulled off well and the skybox is pretty nifty. Very fun layout, but the flak area could have used a ramp or something nearby.
Raffi B: Nice visuals and excellent flow here. Item placement could use some work, but other than that a great map.